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Review Lenovo Ideapad A1 22282MU 7-Inch Tablet (Black) Limited Stock

Lenovo Ideapad A1

Special Price Lenovo Ideapad A1
. If we look at Lenovo's 7 " Tablet IdeaPad A1 has a balanced blend of design,capabilities and affordable pricing. Lenovo IdeaPad A1 is designed for the mobile that is connected online with internet and multi media. To support your work, when you open Lenovo's IdeaPad A1, you'll find free applications and thousands of other applications you can get in the application store and the Android Market.
Tablets that are powered by the Android ™ 2.3 operating sistem,  also has a sleek design and ease features a hand-held, and made with durable material which is using magnesium which can protect the components  inside from accident or shock.With 0.88 lbs weight, makes this tablet really ultraportable, easy to carry and can be used as part of the completeness of your fashion. Be it while exercising, relaxing or as busy though. In terms of functionality, Lenovo IdeaPad A1 equipped with 0.3 MP front camera and a 3MP camera  rear. Conveniently used to record the day's activities both in the form of photos and video.

Lenovo Ideapad A1
To store your favorite files, it has been provided Micro SD Card Reader and Mini USB port for connect with other devices. Such as other tablets, social networking needs is considered by the Lenovo IdeaPad, you can connect with your friends across social networks and do a video chat from anywhere and to anywhere in the world. Lenovo also included the facilities for your entertainment, you can enjoy music, video and animation.


TI® 3622 (Cortex-A8) 1GHz single-core processor
Android™ 2.3 operating system
7" LED (1024x600) capacitive multi-touch display
512MB LP DDR memory, 16GB SSD (Solid State Drive) storage
Wi-Fi and Bluetooth® connectivity
Less than 1/2" thin — 7.6"(H) x 4.9"(W) x 0.47"(T)
Micro SD card reader and a Mini USB port
Integrated front (0.3M) and rear (3M) webcams

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