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Pandigital Android 1 GB 7-Inch Multimedia Tablet and Color eReader with Kindle (White)R70G100

One of cheap tablet computer which has key features. Read. Surf. Play. The Pandigital Android 7-Inch Multimedia Tablet and Color eReader with Kindle will change the way that you curl up with a good book. Pandigital Color Multimedia eReaders feature full color, touch screen displays and brings dynamic multimedia to the eReader world.

Read books, browse the internet,
or watch your favorite videos and movies
The 1GB internal memory holds hundreds of books and periodicals, and memory is expandable to carry your full library, videos, and music files. Wifi / Wireless LAN connectivity gives you easy downloads and web access. And convenient tools like a dictionary, alarm clock, calendar, and more give you practical functionality beyond the eReader. The Pandigital eReader is much more than just a good book.

Technical Specifications
Display: 7" TFT LCD touchscreen
Resolution: 800 x 600px
Brightness: 220 nits
Internal Memory: 1GB
Expandable Memory: SD/SDHC,MMC/MMC+ up to 32GB
Operating System: Android
Networking: WiFi 802.11 b/g/n
Battery: 1600mAh Li-Ion
Dimensions: 5.5" x 7.5" x 0.5"
Weight: 19 oz
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